Eastward Ho!

Follow my adventures as I embark on a journey of a lifetime. I'll be overlanding from London to Darwin for six months, experiencing many countries and cultures along the way. From Australia, I'll continue east around the globe until I end up back at the beginning, just in time for Christmas dinner. That's the plan anyway, whether I stick to that plan is a different story...........

Thursday, 17 February 2011

8 weeks to go, and a list as long as your arm of 'to do's'

The final countdown has now begun, there are 8 weeks to go before lift off.  The trip of a lifetime is just around the corner and it still feels a bit surreal! There's lots keeping me busy before departure incuding getting my flat ready for the tennants and wrapping up the final weeks at work.  It's great to know I only have to have that 'Monday morning feeling' five more times! 

The required innocluations are also making me a regular visiter to the doctor's clinic, and the only thing more painful than those nasty little pricks is the even nastier price tag that comes with them.  

I'm new to this blogging malarky, and am doing this so that family and friends can keep up to date with my shananigans en route, and I will have a reminder of the fantastic experiences that are to come over the next few months.  

At this present time all I know about my fellow travellers are the snippets of information I've gathered from the facebook group we've all joined, but it seems to be a varied group of characters and I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and getting underway!

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