Eastward Ho!

Follow my adventures as I embark on a journey of a lifetime. I'll be overlanding from London to Darwin for six months, experiencing many countries and cultures along the way. From Australia, I'll continue east around the globe until I end up back at the beginning, just in time for Christmas dinner. That's the plan anyway, whether I stick to that plan is a different story...........

Monday, 12 September 2011

There is a hell on earth....

The burning gas crater at Davasa, Turkmenistan is the closest I think (and hope) I will ever come to seeing what hell looks like.  It is a huge crater that was dug by the Soviets in 1971, and the ground was unsafe and collapsed leaving a gaping hole in the earth. It was someones bright idea to light the
leaking gases, and they have been burning ever since.  An awesome sight though, and best seen after dark, so we all clambered into a monster truck  which took us out to the crater where we got as close as we dared to the edge to have our photos taken.  As hot as hell but some cool pics were shot, Mandy even winning a photography competition for one of hers. 
Bushcamp close to the gas crater

Bush camp

Our mobile homes and Calypso

Darvasa gas crater

Burning pit

Don't get too close!

Mel, me, Clare and Aoife next to the burning pit 
Boy it's hot!
A hawk by another crater dug by the soviets

The next day we drove through dry arid deserts, then stopped off at a place where you paid a minimal fee to have a mid afternoon shower to alleviate the desert heat.  It was quite bizarre, but a short reprieve from the dry heat and dusty air.
A group of inquisitive people in Turkmenistan wanting their photo taken with us

Building a clay oven in the desert

Lots of nothing.....just miles and miles of desert

and of course the odd camel.............

and sand storms!

Leaving the weird and wonderful Turkmenistan behind, well, more weird than wonderful, we arrived in our next destination, Uzbekistan. You didn't have to look far before you saw colourful tiled minarets rising from the ground, and a real sense of silk road history.

Look upwards and you'll see minarets!

The man behind Algebra, deep in thought

Lovely bright tiles decorating the buildings

Puppets and dolls

A random tightwalk show that we were privvy to

and then they performed some up tempo beats after their balancing acts


Aoife and I posing near the harem

The theme is continual....bright tiles galore in this country!

Lake next to our hotel in Buchara

Male and Female scissors for sale

A towering minaret

The Madrasa where we stayed whilst in Khiva

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